What to Expect During a Hair Transplant Procedure?

Now, hair transplantation surgery has become so in demand for those experiencing hair loss. In case you intend to undergo this kind of treatment, know what to expect. It is safe, absolutely an effective procedure that will help one regain their natural hair growth. Smoothing out the process all the way through is what the team of experts at Marvelous Aesthetics promise. Let’s see what happens with a hair transplant.

Consultation Before the Process

Right before the procedure, you are consulted upon by your surgeon in great detail. When you visit your doctor at this consultation, he or she will diagnose both your hair loss condition and your scalp condition. They will provide you with the best possible idea of treatment for you. Moreover, they will update you with the number of grafts needed to cover the balding area. The surgeon will explain the whole process and even predict what result is expected. You may ask any question you want. This is also the time for you to clarify everything. Preoperative Day before the Surgery

On the day of your surgery, everything that will happen will be explained to you. Firstly, markings will be applied to the scalp for where the grafts will be placed; this ensures the hair looks natural after the transplant. This will be followed by the administration of local anesthesia to numb the scalp. This procedure is absolutely pain-free; you might feel slight pressure but definitely no pain.

Now once the anesthesia begins to take effect, the surgeon will start harvesting hair from the donor site. The donor site tends to be on the back or sides of the head where hairs are most dense. The follicles are either harvested individually or in very small strips based on the extraction technique selected.

The Transplant Procedure

Now, having harvested the hair, the surgeon should prepare the grafts for implantation with utmost care. The surgeon places these grafts in the balding or thinning areas of your scalp. Every hair follicle is placed so that it grows as a natural hair would in hair growth. This step is also crucial to ensure an end look.

The time for this process can occupy several hours based on the number of grafts. You can take such time to simply just sit back, read, or catch up with your favorite TV programs. You will be watched at all times so everything goes on well.

Healing After the Procedure

Following transplant, you’ll receive specific instructions from your surgeon about how you should care for yourself. The grafted area might be painful and some inflammation is also tolerable. After a couple of days, your scalp should be treated well. It should be washed carefully, and direct sunlight avoided. In addition, antibiotics or other medications could be prescribed in case of additional swelling and infection prevention.

During the first weeks, most transplanted hair will fall out. This is completely normal and just a step in the procedure. Within months, new hair will start to grow in its place.

Results and Long-Term Care

Hair transplantation results are not immediate as they take time to achieve. The growth of new hair in an area of transplantation is progressive, and in most patients, changes start to show after three to six months. However, significant results appear after a year.

Once they start to grow, the transplanted follicles will integrate with your other hair. The hair follicles that are being transplanted are actually taken from the body, so they will grow like any other hair. You can even cut, style, or dye your hair to your preference.

Why Marvelous Aesthetics?

Marvelous Aesthetics offers high-quality hair transplantation services. Our advanced techniques provide the most natural looks. We consider your comfort and safety at every step in the process.

Are you experiencing hair loss and looking for a hair transplant in Varanasi? Now, if you think that is the case, you may want to look into hair transplantation at Marvelous Aesthetics. All of our services are outstanding, and our doctors take the time to explain what you’re getting ready for in every step of treatment. To book a consultation and discover why Marvelous Aesthetics stands at the forefront of medical aesthetics, visit the official website and explore what’s offered. You will get to know what makes us the best hair clinic in Varanasi.

Therefore, a hair transplant is regarded as an effective strategy in restoring lost hair. Once you understand the process of hair transplantation, you will be in a better position to become comfortable and decide on it with more confidence. With the right clinic, it’s only going to get better.

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