The Evolution of Hair Transplant Techniques: From FUT to FUE

The emergence of the hair transplant method has been a challenge with important modern creations, basically changing the basement of hair planting. The two major ways, Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) indicate various types of techniques and processes and their development, each having its unique group of advantages and disadvantages.

Origin of FUT

Hair transplanting started in the 1950s with Dr. Norman Orentreich’s famous work, where he showed that hair that is transplanted has the features of the donor site. The term “donor dominance” forms the basis of other methods. In the beginning, hair transplants contained large materials, frequently called “hair plugs,” which give uncommon outcomes because of their size and the great space between hair plugs.

The introduction of Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) in the 1990s by Drs. Bernstein and Rassman was a remarkable jump forward. FUT also called the strip method, includes the removal of a strip of the head from the donor area, generally at the back position. This strip is then inserted under a microscope into individual follicular units, every unit contains a maximum of four hairs. These units are then minutely transplanted into the receiving area, merging with normal hair growth patterns.

The Few Benefits of FUT include:

  • High Growth: FUT allows for the transplanting of loads of hair plugs in a single sitting and makes it idle for patients who require extensive coverage.
  • Speed: The strip method is time-saving for both the patient and the surgeons.

However, FUT also has some Disadvantages:

  • Markings: The primary disadvantage of FUT is the marking on the left at the donor site, which can be seen if the patient wears their hair short.
  • Time to recover: The recovery is comparatively longer than the new methods, with some irritation after the operation due to several things inserted.

The beginning of FUE

The Period of the beginning of the 2000s acknowledged the Initiation of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), a process that includes some of the disadvantages of FUT. FUE includes taking out particular follicular units straightaway from the donor space utilizing a small area, typically starting from 0.7 to 1.0 mm in size. Later these are afterwards transplanted into the receiving area just like FUT.

FUE has various benefits:

  • Minimum Marking: As FUE includes the removal of individual follicles, it produces tiny, dots on skin that are almost invisible even with hair with short length.
  • Recovering faster: No linear incision is present which indicates that patients feel less after operation iritations with a quick recovery time.
  • Versatile in nature: FUE extracts hair from different body parts like the beard or chest, allowing additional donor hairs for patients with limited scalp donor hair.

  Machinery Creations and Combo Techniques

Initiating years have seen further modernization in hair transplant methods and approaches, increasing both FUT and FUE methods. The introduction of robotic ways like the ARTAS robot has accelerated the specifying and velocity of FUE, decreasing the side effects of manmade mistakes and follicle destructions. Automatical ways have also been introduced for FUT, aligning with the insertion of follicular units from the donor strip.

Moreover, mixed ways that merge the pros of FUT and FUE are being discovered like the PRP Treatments in Varanasi highly operative. For instance, some surgeries use FUT to yield hair plugs in large amounts and then allow FUE to purify the hair strokes and attach volume in particular areas, regulating the overall results.


The origin from FUT to FUE indicates a massive shift in the transplanting of hair, including the thirst for normal-looking outcomes and less patient discomfort. FUT is a method for patients needing the restoration of hair, allowing speedy and high hair plugging. In comparison, FUE leads to those giving minimum marking and speedy recovery, associated with an increasing cost and longevity in time.

Machinery Creations continues to reflect both approaches, reflecting even sound outcomes in the long run. As hair transplant methods emerge, the reflection remains on securing normal, unnoticeable results while having minimum approaches and maximum patient satisfaction. FUE Hair transplant in Varanasi has been very effective in several patients and the walk from large hair plugs to follicular units has changed hair restoration from an art to a fixed, scientific field, giving high regard and energy to those with hair loss.

Marvelous Aesthetics

Though you are considering a Hair transplant in Varanasi, India, Marvelous Aesthetics can be the perfect choice. They are a team of expert and experienced hair transplant surgeons who can help you achieve the best result.

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