Can White Hair Be Transplanted?

A traditional hair transplant is comparable to a white hair transplant. However, both men and women are beginning to develop white hair in their mid-to-late-30s as a result of the excessive use of chemical-based hair products and rising air pollution. There are some special advantages to using white hair for hair transplants, and it can occasionally be affordable. But more caution and accuracy are required.

Can I get a transplant for my white hair?

White-haired people ponder whether getting their hair transplanted is a wise move. Since white hair is thicker, most patients report happy outcomes. The elderly as well as people of all ages can benefit from this procedure.

What will be your hair colour after hair transplantation?

Yes, we can produce a colour that is nearly identical. However, this requires extra preparation and flawless execution. So pick a reputable clinic. To prevent uneven hair colours, you must first select a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon. The most recent development in hair transplantation is called Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), in which grafts are typically chosen from the scalp’s back.

Earlier, a strip of hair from the donor area was transplanted to the recipient area using a technique called FUT. The surgeon can choose the best hair strand thanks to this selective picking. As a result, the hair looks natural.

The biggest difficulty in transplanting white hair is mismatched colour. The surgeon must precisely distribute the grafts to achieve uniformity, and the outcomes will look natural. If you had different shades of hair before the transplant, the new hair would match the ones you had. By using a dye, the patient can alter the colour of their hair. Through the scalp, the patient achieves denser hair and the desired hair colour. After four to six months, the dye can be applied with your surgeon’s permission. Make sure no typing products are applied to the scalp while it heals from the procedure. The post-transplant care you adhere to more fervently, the quicker and more satisfying the outcome.

Why would someone choose to have white hair transplanted?

White hair after a hair transplant gives the scalp a fuller, denser appearance. White hair also stands out because it lacks the ability to hold oil, which holds them together. As a result, the final hairstyle is better and has a wavier appearance. Fewer grafts are needed to achieve the desired look because white hair has a higher density than other colours. Fewer grafts equal fewer sessions, faster healing, and more affordable treatment. After four to six months, the patient can dye their hair without first bleaching it. The hair is safer if no bleach is used.

Around the ears and in the nape are where white hair typically appears. Pick the hair follicles in the donor area carefully to ensure that they match the hair at the recipient site. However, you need not worry about that. The Marvelous Aesthetics hair specialists have years of experience choosing the best donor hair. For more information about white hair transplantation in-depth, speak with our hair transplant specialists at Marvelous Aesthetics in Varanasi.

With a doctor who specialises in hair restoration, transplantation should be thoroughly discussed for the outcome of hair. Patients who have partially greyed hair should talk about the appearance they want to achieve now and, in the future, because the process of greying is likely to continue. A patient frequently wants to maintain an appearance with an even distribution of greying.

Can grey hair from a transplant be dyed to restore colour?

Grey hair that has been transplanted can safely be dyed. The patient can get advice from the doctor’s hair restoration specialist on how soon after transplantation hair dye can be used safely.

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