Tips for Post-Hair Transplant Care

It is a big decision to go for a hair transplant as it is a sure way to help you feel better about your looks. For you to be able to achieve your desired look, you need to treat your new hair well. Here are some few but effective measures that may be useful to you in case you are considering hair transplant surgery in Varanasi.

Keep Your Scalp Clean

The first thing that should be done after receiving this hair transplant is cleaning of the scalp. During the first few days the patient is advised by the doctor on how to wash their hair. This often requires the use of a mild soap, especially on the head, and applying it in such a manner that the skin on the head is not scratched. Do not rub the scalp with a towel after washing; instead, gently dry the area using another clean towel.

Avoid Touching or Scratching

This can be very tempting if you feel a particular itching sensation on the scalp of your head. However, this can be detrimental to the new hair follicles that are growing and developing. It should be a general rule for you to minimize contact with your scalp as much as possible. If it is uncomfortable and itchy, then instead of scratching, one can pat the region gently.

Stay Away from Direct Sunlight

This process will make your scalp sensitive, especially in the areas where the transplant was done. However, to avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, it is recommendable to avoid exposing it to direct sunlight for the first few weeks. If you have to be out in the sun, use a hat to protect your head because most of the sun’s rays reach our heads. UV radiation exposure can be detrimental to the newly grafted hair and also slows the rate of healing.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

There are some basic guidelines that the patients should follow after the hair transplant surgery, first of all, during the first few weeks after the surgery, the patient should not exert himself physically. This basically means no lifting of anything heavy, no rigorous exercise, and no activities that will make you break out into a sweat. Sweating may lead to inflammation and formation of spots on the scalp and can be detrimental to the healing process.

Sleep with Your Head Elevated

To avoid quick blood clotting and enhance the rate of healing, ensure that you sleep with your head raised for the first week after the transplant. This can be done using an extra pillow or by going to bed in a chair or in a reclined position. As we know, raising head end assists in proper blood circulation and minimises chances of swelling in the area where transplant has been done.

Do not be Rough with hair products

The hair products you use after hair transplant should be chosen carefully to avoid any damage to the newly transplanted hair. It is advisable not to use any chemicals on the hair that may be too strong like hair dyes or strong hair gel for a month. Use non-detergent, non-powdered shampoos and conditioners which do not harm the scalp.

Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions

It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions about how to take care of your scalp after the transplant. These instructions have to be followed carefully. They could be taking some of the recommended drugs, applying certain creams or attending follow up appointments. As patients, they would have to follow all the instructions given by the doctor to achieve the best outcomes.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

It is also crucial to take some fluids to hydrate the body and eat nutritious foods to support the body’s ability to heal. Healthy hair also requires one to feed the body properly as it determines the health of the hair. It is important to ensure that you take your meals rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.

At Marvellous Aesthetics, we always aim to offer you the best outcomes for the hair transplantation treatments. We have a team of experts to help you in every aspect during the process of purchasing a home. Please feel free to contact us if there is anything that you would like to know or if you are worried about your post-transplant care. We are undoubtedly the best place to get a hair transplant in Varanasi.

To get more information or to book a meeting with one of our consultants, please use the link below.  Our goal is to provide you with quality hair restoration services to give you the physical appearance you desire.

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